• 2022-06-06
    A: joinned
    B: joined
    C: hasjoined
    D: didjoin
  • B


    • 0

      Mysister______thearmylastyear. A: joins B: joined C: has joined

    • 1

      How long ___ the army? Five years. I ___ the army in 1999. A: have you joined; joined B: were you in; have joined C: did you join; was in D: have you been in; joined

    • 2

      Mysister_____theLeaguelastmonthandshehasdecidedto_____theactivitytohelptheagednextweek. A: joined;joinin B: joinedin;join C: joined;join D: joinedin;joinin

    • 3

      He _________ the League three years ago. A: joined B: has joined C: joins D: is joining

    • 4

      【单选题】He ___ the Party ___ 1998. A. has joined; in B. has joined; since C. joined; on D. joined; in