• 2022-06-06
    Go back to the factory on time, or you will be ()
    A: hired
    B: rented
    C: employed
    D: fired
  • D


    • 0

      If you choose a/ an _______ seat, it is convenient for you to leave and go back to your seat. A: aisle B: window C: front D: back

    • 1

      Were you able to recover your stolen laptop() A: get back B: reach back C: go back D: come back

    • 2

      Perhaps you will change your mind and ____your resignation. A: go back B: take back C: pay back D: come back

    • 3

      All the managerial ________ at the factory are hired on contract.

    • 4

      You should never______ your promise to a child. A: A) go back on B: B) go after C: C) go in for D: D) go over