• 2022-06-06
    Mark yes or no if it's concrete visual for a speech:black and white spotted dalmatian
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      Which of the following statements are correct? A: Mark Twain’s characters sometimes speak with a strong accent. B: Mark Twain is unique in his use of vernacular. C: Mark Twain’s characters are perfect in English grammar and spelling. D: Mark Twain’s words are colloquial, concrete and direct.

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      The film is shot in black and white for the reason except that black and white ____________.

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      The film is shot in black and white for the reason that the use of black and white ____________.

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      TheHouseofLancasterwassymbolizedbythe______rose,whilethatofYorkwassymbolizedbythe______rose. A: white,black B: white,red C: red,white D: black,red

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      a black mark