• 2022-06-06
     杠杆比率(leverage ratio)
  • 答:美国银行所应用的杠杆比率也称为资本杠杆比率,是指银行资本与总资产之比,该 比率是用来衡量银行主要资本或核心资本账面价值占总资产账面价值的程度的指标。主要资 本或核心资本定义为普通股权益账面价值、永久性累积特别股以及少数股权利益之总和。杠 杆比率越低,代表银行杠杆程度越高,即一定量的资本能创造出更高倍的资产,银行资本的 经营效率较高,同时经营风险相应也较大。


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      ()<br/>is the ratio that measure a firm’s ability to meet short-term<br/>obligations. A: liquidity<br/>ratios B: leverage<br/>ratios C: coverage<br/>ratios D: activity<br/>ratios

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      财务比率分析不包括()。 A: 盈利能力比率 B: 效率比率 C: 杠杆比率 D: 损失比率

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      The debt ratio indicates: A: a.the ability of the firm to pay its current obligations B: b.the efficiency of the use of total assets C: c.the magnification of earnings caused by leverage D: d.a comparison of liabilities with total assets

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