• 2022-06-06
    Which of the following drugs can be used to treat gallbladder colic pain and renal colic pain?
    A: Atropa belladonna
    B: Neostigmine
    C: Meperidine
    D: Atropine
    E: C+D
  • E


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      Which is correct about the three-step medication () A: Patients with severe pain, choose weak opioids B: Patients with moderate pain, choose weak opioids C: Opioids for patients with mild pain D: NSAIDs and anti-inflammatory drugs for patients with moderate pain

    • 1

      Which of the following can NOT feel pain, distress, suffering, positive and negative feelings?

    • 2

      The drug that can be used to relieve urinary urgency, urinary frequency and incontinence after prostatectomy is ( ). A: pilocarpine B: acetylcholine C: atropine D: physostigmine E: neostigmine

    • 3

      Which of the following drugs can be used as preanaesthetic medication? A: Pilocarpine B: Carbacholine C: Scopolamine D: Homatropine E: Physostigmine

    • 4

      Which of the following structures has the colic bands, haustras of colon and the epiloic appendices A: large intestine B: colon C: retum D: anus