• 2022-06-06
    What kind of fluid glycerin belongs to
    A: Swelling fluid
    B: Thixotropic fluid
    C: Newtonian fluid
    D: Pseudoplastic fluid
  • B


    • 0

      N-S equation cannot be applied to ( ) A: Flow of incompressible viscous fluid B: Unsteady flow of incompressible ideal fluid C: Steady flow of incompressible ideal fluid D: Motion of non-Newtonian fluid

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      An ideal fluid is usually defined as a fluid in which there is no friction.()

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      If there is no solid in the fracturing fluid, and fluid viscosit is close to the viscosity of formation fluid, which will dominate the leakoff? A: Wall builiding. B: Fracturing fluid viscosity. C: Compressibility of formation fluids. D: Compressibility of fracturing fluid.

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      不要碰触那些液体。 A: Do not let the fluid touch you. B: Do not allow the fluid to touch you. C: Do not enable the fluid to touch you. D: Do not permit the fluid to touch you.

    • 4

      Hydraulic machinery failures are commonly caused by contamination of the hydraulic fluid and (). A: fluid friction B: fluid turbulence C: component misalignment D: pressure surge