• 2022-06-06
    Amorphous is to shape as odorless is to______. ()
    A: weight
    B: worth
    C: scent
    D: anger
    E: appearance
  • C


    • 0

      One correct way to deal with anger is to ________. A: say nothing no matter how angry you are B: express anger openly and freely right away C: express your anger immediately but calmly D: think about whether it’s worth getting angry  

    • 1

      他们说,运动有助于他们减轻体重,变得更有吸引力,或当他们年纪大时仍保持原有的体形。 A: They say that exercise help them lose weight, become more attractive, or keep shape as they get older. B: They say that exercise helps them lose weight, become more attractive, or keep shape as they get older. C: They say that exercise helps them lose weight, become more attractive, or keeps shape as they get older. D: They said that exercise helps them lose weight, become more attractive, or keep shape as they get older.

    • 2

      For sand casting, almost any metal can be cast no limit to part size, shape or weight low tooling cost.

    • 3

      The author writes this passage to______. A: discuss the negative aspects of being attractive B: give advice to job-seekers who are attractive women in executive and political circles C: demand equal rights for women D: emphasize the importance of appearance

    • 4

      But in most circles, particularly in places that shape our lives—families, schools and most workplaces—thinking for yourself is regarded with suspicion. A: the external form or appearance characteristic of someone or something B: the structure or character of something C: (to) have a very great influence on the way it develops D: (to) give a particular shape or form to