• 2022-06-06
    Streptomycin is the first choice in the treatment for the following infectious disease ( )
    A: acute pneumonia
    B: tonsillitis
    C: bacterial endocarditis
    D: bubonic plague
    E: meningitis
  • D


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      The best choice as a significant consequence for the Bubonic Plague was which of the following? A: Decreased influence of the Church B: Introduction of schools of medicine C: Introduction of the feudal system D: Collapse of the feudal system

    • 1

      Which of the following is the first infectious disease exterminated<br/>by human through vaccination? ( ) A: Smallpox B: poliomyelitis C: HCV D: SARS-CoV

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      Which of the following infectious diseases is an emerging infectious disease? A: Influenza B: Cholera C: Pulmonary tuberculosis D: Coronavirus disease 2019

    • 3

      Malaria is an infectious parasitic disease that can be either acute or chronic and is frequently A: repeating B: terminal C: debilitating D: recurrent

    • 4

      What disease is caused by pneumococcus multiplying in the alveoli, causing damage to the alveolar lining and producing an inflammatory response ? A: endocarditis B: sinusitis C: otitis D: pneumonia