• 2022-06-06
    1. The key point of his speech was that we should take effective measures ___ water pollution.
    A: A)stopping
    B: B)stop
    C: C)stopped
    D: D) to stop
  • D


    • 0

      I think it’ high time we (take) ______ strict measures to stop pollution.

    • 1

      It’s time for us to take measures to stop water _____ as it is getting more and more serious. A: condition B: pollution C: standard D: population

    • 2

      I think it’s high time we (take)_____ strict measures to stop pollution. A: took B: would take C: had taken D: have taken

    • 3

      We must take a ____________ to stop pollution. A: entire B: process C: implement D: measure

    • 4

      Something must be done_____the farmers cutting down the forests. A: stop B: stopping C: stopped D: to stop