• 2021-04-14
    A body/age assessment is a measurement of your cardiovascular ____1____ , your strength, your flexibility and your ____2____. And it gives you a number which is your fitness age compared to your chronological age. Any fitness exam should include some time on a treadmill, to test your ___3____ and stamina. A complete fitness snapshot adds about 45 minutes to your exam, but leaves you with a new ___4____ on your well-being.
  • fitness 2. risk factors 3.heart health 4. perspective  risk factors  heart health  perspective


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      6 Complete the questions. ► What do you know about your ancestors? ancestors 1 Are you r____ to anyone famous? 2 Do you have a r____ family in your country? If so, do you have a king or a q____? 3 Where do/did the p____ generations of your family live? 4 Which m____ of your family do you look l____? 5 Do you take a____ your mother or your father? How?

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      中国大学MOOC: In the body part of your personal statement, you should outline the challenge, setback or failure, and demonstrate the strength of your character. And in the concluding part, you should state your reflection on the experience.

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      Being asked about your previous job experience, you should look down on your former employer in order to flatter your future employer.

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      How can we make the other party respond to your letter or email promptly? You should consider the following questions: 1) ____ is your reader? 2) What kind of ______ should you use? 3) What is your ______? 4)____ can you achieve your purpose?

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      An “in-group”, or “we” group is ______. A: people who work for the same company B: other people of your own age in society C: the group which gives you your identity D: a group you choose to belong to