• 2022-06-06
    Gift giving is the same thing in China and America in that ().
    A: people spend a lot of time preparing a gift
    B: people would cash out the gift immediately
    C: people are eager to get a gift from a friend
    D: people are less willing to give gifts
  • A


    • 0

      . In Japan, people expect you to open the gift they offer to you, and yet will put aside the gift you give them and opening it at another time. ()

    • 1

      People will take offense if you are in the presence of a group of people and give a gift to one person, but fail to give one to the otehrs who are present.

    • 2

      The Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship to American people from the people of __________.( ) A: Australia B: France C: The United Kingdom D: Canada

    • 3

      It’s not difficult to choose the perfect gift because any gift can show people’s care.

    • 4

      In Japan,<br/>people expect you to open the gift they offer to you, and yet will<br/>put aside the gift you give them and opening it at another time.()