• 2022-06-06
    Mr. Simpson stopped at the pedestrian crossing because
    A: the lighting was very good along the stretch.
    B: he was riding with two ladies at the moment.
    C: he wanted to ensure the safety of two passers-by.
    D: he was a new driver who tends to be cautious.
  • C


    • 0

      Brinthaupt confesses that he is talking to himself more in the last two weeks because_______. A: his little baby doesn't sleep enough B: he is very happy with his new baby C: he is under stress because of his new baby D: his new baby babbles

    • 1

      Mr. Lang was paid much because () A: he was a driver B: he worked in a factory C: he had a lot of work to do D: he had worked there for a long time

    • 2

      Listento5shortconversationsandchoosethebesttoeachquestionyouhear. A: He is going to congratulate Mr. Smith. B: He is going to move to a new apartment house. C: He is going to help Mr. Smith move to a new apartment house. D: He is going to tell Mr. Smith the good news.

    • 3

      Mr. Ullman was the ___9___ for the new study. He is a professor of neuroscience at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington. He says he was __10__ to find that combining the two methods might not help the brain in __11__ the new language.

    • 4

      Although he had stayed in that business for two years,_______he still wanted to switch to a different career.