• 2022-06-06
    Men were treated with the greatest respect and have the greatest ________ to education in some ancient societies.
    A: domination
    B: participation
    C: possession
    D: access
  • D


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      Many modern critics of American literature have called Mark Twain, born Samuel Clemens, ______. A: as America's greatest writer B: was America's greatest writer C: America's greatest writer D: to have been America's greatest writer

    • 1

      Du Fu is credited as the greatest Romnatic poet of ancient China. ( )

    • 2

      In the ancient times, women were under the of men. A: name B: domination C: pressure D: weight

    • 3

      Cicero, the greatest speech maker in ancient Rome, felt _______ when making a speech.

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      English people ________ . A: have never discussed who is the world’s greatest dramatist B: never discuss any issue concerning the world’s greatest dramatist C: are sure who is the world’s greatest dramatist D: do not care who is the world’s greatest poet and dramatist