• 2022-06-06
    Why is the woman so excited()
    A: She received a letter from her Japanese friend.
    B: She got a job at a travel agency.
    C: She lost a job at a travel agency.
    D: She is going to study in another country.
  • D


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      What did Lisa K do after she won the lottery? A: She quit her job and opened an art school. B: She began to spend her time traveling around the world. C: She stayed on her job, but took an interesting vacationevery year. D: She quit her job and began to study art.

    • 1

      Why did Jenny quit her job? A: She lived far away from the restaurant where she worked. B: She did not want other people to know that she was a waitperson. C: She did not like her job. D: She wanted to focus on her studies.

    • 2

      She was so ______ in her job that she didn’t hear anybody shouting to him.

    • 3

      She was so _____ with her job that she didn’t hear someone knocking at the door.

    • 4

      She was so ________ in her job that she didn‘t hear anybody knocking at the door.