• 2022-06-06
    17e44787ac71be2.png10. Rising food prices caused great______________________ for most of the population.
  • hardship


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      The recent ( ) in food prices around the world is because of rising energy costs. A: spear B: sphere C: plight D: spike

    • 1

      15 Higher food prices have caused people in the West to: A: a eat less meat, B: b not eat in restaurants, C: c economise on the food they eat.

    • 2

      A foreign population is referred to as an autochthonous population.

    • 3

      Food prices increased ________ 10% in less than a year. A: for B: to C: by D: at

    • 4

      ___________________ refers to a rapid increase in the size of a population caused by such factors as a sudden decline in infant mortality or an increase in life expectancy. It particularly means the very great and continuing increase in human population in modern times. Optimal population size appears adequate for economy, education, healthcare, and environment.