• 2022-06-06
    Which of the following statements about machine learning and deep learning is correct?
    A: The two learning methods are completely independent
    B: They can both analyze big data
    C: Machine learning is a field of deep learning
    D: Deep learning does not require big data
  • B


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      What effects can deep learning and reinforcement learning bring on?

    • 1

      【单选题】請問機器學習(Machine Learning)、人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)、深度學習 (Deep Learning)三者之間的正確關聯性? A. 機器學習(Machine Learning)是人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)的一個分支;深度學習 (Deep Learning)則是機器學習的一個分支 B. 深度學習 (Deep Learning)是人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)的一個分支;機器學習(Machine Learning)則是深度學習 的一個分支 C. 機器學習(Machine Learning)、深度學習 (Deep Learning)都是人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)的個別分支 D. 機器學習(Machine Learning)、深度學習 (Deep Learning)及人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)是個別獨立的研究領域

    • 2

      根据反馈的不同,机器学习方法可以分为( )等。 A: 监督学习(supervised learning) B: 无监督学习(unsupervised learning) C: 强化学习(reinforcement learning) D: 深度学习(deep learning)

    • 3

      Supervised machine learning is () A: a method in which we teach the machine using labelled data B: a method in which the machine creates data C: a method in which the machine creates labelled data D: trained on unlabeled data without any guidance

    • 4

      Which of the following phrases are the artificial neural networks truly used in machine Learning? A: Bayes Network B: Convolutional neural network C: Deep auto-encoder D: Long short-term memory E: Wireless network