• 2022-06-06
    Which statement best describes the task of “regression” in machine learning?
    A: To assign a category to each item.
    B: To find the distribution of inputs in some space.
    C: To group data objects.
    D: To order items according to some criterion.
    E: To predict a real value for each item.
    F: To simplify inputs by mapping them into a lower space.
  • E



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      The agenda should_____ the order of items and an estimated amount of time for each item.( ) A: indication B: indicate C: indicated D: indicting

    • 1

      Generally speaking, there are four categories of space. They are intimate space, personal space, _______ space, and public space.

    • 2

      What can’t make two people a good couple? A: Knowing when to give each other some space. B: Making time for each other. C: Not taking things for granted. D: Giving up all of the things which make them individuals.

    • 3

      Which of the following is best to show the percentage of a total budget that is spent on each category of items?

    • 4

      中国大学MOOC: Which statement best describes the task of “clustering” in machine learning?哪一个是机器学习中“聚类”任务的准确描述?