• 2022-06-06
    How often is the World Cup?
  • every 2 years


    • 0

      II. Listening to the news report. (10%)Questions 3-5 are based on the following news item.4. Which of the following FIFA World Cup events is Not under investigation? A: The 2010 World Cup. B: The 2014 World Cup. C: The processs of awarding the 2018 FIFA World Cup to Russia. D: The process of awarding the 2022 FIFA World Cup to Qatar.

    • 1

      随着因特网的发展,世界各地的人们都可以热热闹闹地同时观赏世界杯了。 A: With the development of the Internet, people all over the world can enjoy watch the World Cup with high spirits. B: With developing of the Internet, people all over the world can enjoy to watching the World Cup with highest spirits. C: With the development of the Internet, people all over the world can enjoy watching the World Cup with high spirit. D: With the development of the Internet, people all over the world can enjoy watching the World Cup with high spirits.

    • 2

      The World Cup match is (broadcast) __________ in Europe, Asia and the Americas.

    • 3

      2. Their team was ____________ from the World Cup in the first round.

    • 4

      There will be 42 national teams vying for the World Cup in Brazil.