"In the military, leadership means getting a group of people to subordinate their individual desires and ambitions for the achievement of organizational goals," Smith says, fusing together his military and business experiences. "And good leadership has very measurable effects on a company's bottom line."
A: 使协调;底线
B: 使协调;盈亏底线
C: 把...置于次要地位;底线
D: 把...置于次要地位;盈亏底线
A: 使协调;底线
B: 使协调;盈亏底线
C: 把...置于次要地位;底线
D: 把...置于次要地位;盈亏底线
- Read paragraphs 6-7, and choose the correct statements of this two paragraphs. A: Smith was not certain he was on something. B: After graduation, Smith joined the Marines during the Vietnam War. C: He learned leadership meant getting a group of people to subordunate their individual desires and ambitions for the achievement of organizational goals. D: "Surbodinate" indicates "rank or oder as less important or consider of less value".
- The bottom line is that we have to make a decision today. A: 重要的是 B: 盈亏 C: 底线
- 把...置于次要地位 _____________...to...
- That there is but only one China in the world is China’s bottom line. A: 底价 B: 底线 C: 基本要点
- 置于次要地位(词组) ____