The filter [img=142x47]18031c9cd67f894.png[/img] is a lowpass filter
- Gaussian lowpass filter has ringing properties.
- The bilinear transformation that directly maps the analog low-pass filter to a digital high-pass filter is [img=102x47]17de859f621abed.png[/img].
- To design a digital low-pass filter using the bilinear transformation method and analog low-pass filter, assuming that the cut-off frequency of the analog low-pass filter is [img=134x25]1803a1d911e6cbe.png[/img] and the bilinear transformation parameter [img=82x19]1803a1d91a05bd3.png[/img] is selected, the cut-off frequency [img=17x17]1803a1d922ed622.png[/img] of the resulting digital filter is ( ). A: [img=109x25]1803a1d92a87228.png[/img] B: [img=85x25]1803a1d9330f7ad.png[/img] C: [img=74x25]1803a1d93bdee3e.png[/img] D: [img=98x25]1803a1d9443158c.png[/img]
- A filter that attenuates high frequencies while passing low frequencies is called a( ). A: bandpass B: bandstop C: lowpass D: highpass
- 设随机变量X~t(n)(n>;1),[img=142x47]17da6be49257e8f.png[/img],则Y~F(1. n)。