Recogize fact and opinion in sentences.I love Guangzhou, which is my hometown.
A: fact
B: opinion
A: fact
B: opinion
- Recogize fact and opinion in sentences.The paper cutting has more than 1500 years old history. A: fact B: opinion
- Recogize fact and opinion in sentences.Covid-19 is a pandemic now, affecting more than 1 billion people around the world. A: opinion B: fact
- I checked my working document and found that I've been working in this company for 20 years. A: Fact B: Opinion
- A fact is ________________,while an opinion is ____________________.
- Most high-school graduates should work for a year before attending college. A: Fact B: Opinion C: Fact and Opinion
- 0
I believe the outbreak of Covid-19 will stop soon. A: Fact B: Opinion
- 1
5.He is a student A: Opinion B: Fact
- 2
3.GUFE has a library. A: Opinion B: Fact
- 3
Icecream is a yummy treat. A: Fact B: Opinion
- 4
WomenweregrantedtherighttovotewiththepassageoftheNineteenthAmendmentin1920. A: Fact B: Opinion C: Factandopinion