• 2022-06-06
    What did Zhang Qian bring back from the West 2000 years ago
  • cucumbers onions coriande


    • 0

      What did the author do three years ago and what is she doing now? The author used to be__________, but now she is___________.

    • 1

      According to the passage, the exchange of medical ideas between east and west started ________. A: thousands of years ago B: decades of years ago C: a few years ago D: after the Second World War

    • 2

      On his second mission, Zhang Qian went to more than a dozen countries in South and West Asia, and the Mediterranean. A: 正确 B: 错误

    • 3

      Which<br/>dynasty did Zhang Qian live in? A: Song B: Qin C: Tang D: Han

    • 4

      Zhang qian