• 2022-06-06
    Question 1--4 Choose the best answer. Ecotourism lite refers to ______.
    A: traditional tour packages targeted at ecofriendly travelers
    B: practices of selling conventional tourism with a green facade
    C: products that cater to the needs of light green travelers
    D: products welcomed by travel agents and tourist alike
  • B


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      Entrepreneur and marketing consultant Seth Goodin refers to truly remarkable products as _____. A: cash cows B: green cows C: milk cows D: purple cows

    • 1

      Please choose the correct answers to the question, notice, there may be more than one correct answer. A: line shopping is superior to shopping in a supermarket when it comes to ___. B: time-efficiency C: money-efficiency D: the reliability of the products E: variety of the products

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      Directions: Listen to a passage and choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear. Question 1 A: Teacher. B: Tour guide. C: Tax consultant. D: Real estate agent.

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      Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each question you hear. A: Focus on physical attractiveness. B: Violation of moral standards. C: Young girl could be misled. D: Beauty queens advertise for products like watermelons.

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      B2C refers to business-to-consumer, which refers to a business selling their products or services directly to an end customer. ( )