• 2022-06-06
    The flow direction of reactor coolant can be changed through
    A: guides
    B: baffles
    C: fuel pin
    D: fuel elements
  • B


    • 0

      The __________ must be circulated between moving engine parts to prevet metal-to-metal contact. A: coolant B: fuel C: engine oil D: water

    • 1

      The coolant flow through the core is generally greater than the coolant flow provided by the main pump, which is due to the existence of () A: Recirculation pump B: Condensate pump C: Steam turbine D: Feedwater heater

    • 2

      性能趋势监控采集发动机()参数 A: A、转子转速N B: B、燃油流量FUEL FLOW C: C、燃油温度FUEL TEMPERATURE D: D、转子振动值VIB

    • 3

      FMV is the short for ( ). A: Fuel Metering Valve B: Fuel Metering Vane C: Fuel Management Valve D: Fuel Metering Value

    • 4

      The fuel oil system in the ship's engine room is not included . A: Fuel purifying system B: Fuel transfer system C: Fuel supply system D: Fuel cooling system