• 2022-06-06
    44. —( ) carrying those shopping bags upstairs?—Sure. If you don’t mind.—No, not at all. I’d be glad to.—Thank you.
    A: A. Could you help me to
    B: B. Would you mind me
    C: C. Can you give me a hand
    D: D. Are you allowed to
  • C


    • 0

      Can you give me a ________?- Sure. What can I do for you? A: hand B: hands C: help D: helping

    • 1

      What the meaning for "Can you give me a hand?" A: Can you show me your hand? B: Can you help me? C: What can i do for you? D: Let's hand in hand.

    • 2

      【多选题】What can you say to ask for advice? _______ A. Could you tell me what to do? B. Can you give me some suggestions? C. What do you advise me to do? D. What would you do if you were me?

    • 3

      I don’t mind _______(work) at weekends if you can give me extra money.

    • 4

      - Could you give me a helping hand? <br/>- _____________ <br/>- I want to clean my room. A: How is that? B: Sure. what can I do for you? C: Not at all. D: Which one?