A: He will be continuously against Iran.
B: He is willing to talk with Iran.
C: He doesn’t care it at all.
D: He is friendly with Iran all the time.
- Which one is not included in the conditions for the US's changing attitude towards Iran A: To abandon their nuclear weapons program. B: Iran's leader must accept the suggestion of peace-lovers. C: To turn over A1-Qaida terrorists in their custody. D: The Iran leaders shall acknowledge the faults.
- What does Iran call for ? Iran calls for the___________ of all of its _____________ held by the U.S. after the Iranian scientist___________________an American_____________ as part of an exchange.
- Why did the US break off the diplomatic relations with Iran A: Iran militants stormed the US Embassy B: Dozens of American hostages were killed in Iran. C: The Iran government refused to give up nuclear experiments. D: The military conflict between the two countries led to the break.
- Last year Iran and western powers reached a deal on Iran's nuclear program.
- Iran is one of the world ’ s leading oil producers.
- 0
What’s Peter’s problem() A: He’s got a headache. B: He can’t sleep at night. C: He coughs a lot. D: He doesn’t feel like eating.
- 1
What is true about Johnny A: He holds his head up. B: He looks at a customer' s eyes. C: He smiles. D: He doesn't turn his head or body towards the customers.
- 2
It's the first time that Lurch has taken the research of student's examination, _______? A: isn’t it B: isn’t he C: hasn’t he D: doesn’t he
- 3
According to the deal, economic restrictions on Iran would be cancelled if Iran honors the agreement.
- 4
M: Linda is very quiet. But her brother talks too much.W: Yes, you are right and he isn’t friendly either. What’s their opinion of Linda’s brother() A: He doesn’t like to talk. B: He is a very kind man. C: He is friendly. D: He is not a pleasant person.