• 2022-06-06
    1. In Britain,the National Health Service refers to_______.
    A: a local hospital
    B: a medicine supplier
    C: a medical care system
    D: an insurance company
  • C


    • 0

      The National Health Service in Britain provides a full range of medical services for _______. A: employees B: residents aged between 18-60 C: every resident D: residents aged over 60

    • 1

      The National Health Service in Britain offers a full package of medical services to A: the unemployed. B: every resident. C: citizens under the age of 16. D: residents aged over 60.

    • 2

      In a state-owned hospital operated by the National Health Service, people have to pay for a stay.

    • 3

      In which year was the National Health Service system implemented comprehensively?

    • 4

      The cost of the National Health Service is shared by central and local governments in the UK.