• 2022-06-06
    After choosing a topic, we need to outline our thesis.
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      我们应该形成自己的风格,而不是盲目追时髦。 A: We need to create our own styles, instead of to go blindly after fashion trends. B: We need to create our own styles, not go blindly after fashion trends. C: We need to create our own styles, instead of going blindly after fashion trends.

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      After choosing a topic, what is the next step of speech preparation?

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      The steps of choosing a topic include: A: choosing a general topic B: reading and thinking C: narrowing down the scope of a topic to a specific aspect D: developing a proper research question E: formulating the final title F: outlining the thesis

    • 3

      When we are organizing our material into an outline, we should try out to put the material ( ). A: in parallel structure B: in indented layout C: in topic outlines D: in sentence outlines

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      The problems need to be avoided in choosing a research topic( ). A: The topic is too broad. B: The topic is not interesting. C: The topic is too narrow. D: The topic is too hard.