• 2022-06-06
    Many fish die when oil ______ into oceans, rivers, or lakes.
    A: fills
    B: pulls
    C: spills
    D: throws
  • C


    • 0

      Many lakes and rivers have been___by industrial waste. A: polluted B: polluting C: pollute D: to pollute

    • 1

      5. Many lakes and rivers have been ________by industrial waste. A: smog B: pollution C: polluted D: smoging

    • 2

      Water _________ in seas, rivers and lakes.

    • 3

      Many lakes and rivers ________ by industrial waste. A: A have polluted B: B have been polluted C: C had been polluted D: D has been polluted

    • 4

      More than three fifths of the country's rivers and lakes are tainted with chemicals, industrial waste or toxic spills like the recent Songhua River benzene slick, which contaminated the water supply in the city of Harbin for days. A: pollute B: paint C: tarnish D: color