main morphological characteristics of serous nuclei are as follows()
A: The
nucleus is round, at the bottom of the cell base.
B: The
nucleus is oblate, at the bottom of the cell base.
C: The
nucleus is round, at the center of the cell.
D: The
nucleus is oblate, at the center of the cell.
E: The
nucleus is at the top of the cell.
main morphological characteristics of serous nuclei are as follows()
A: The
nucleus is round, at the bottom of the cell base.
B: The
nucleus is oblate, at the bottom of the cell base.
C: The
nucleus is round, at the center of the cell.
D: The
nucleus is oblate, at the center of the cell.
E: The
nucleus is at the top of the cell.
- Cell organelles are located within the ____ of the cell. A: nucleus B: cytoplasm C: Cell membrane D: lysosomes
- Which of the following is incorrect regarding serous gonadal vesicles: A: The top of the cytoplasm contains eosinophilic secretory granules B: The basal cytoplasm is strongly basophilic C: The nucleus is oblate at the base of the cell D: At the base of the cell are a large number of parallel thick endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria E: More ribosomes
- Which of the following statements pertaining to the acinar cells<br/>of pancreas is true() A: The nucleus is located at apex of the cells B: The base of the cell is basophilic duo to RER C: The Golgi complex is located on the basal side of the nucleus D: The cells contain mucigen granules E: The secretory granules contain active form of enzymes
- Which of the following are incorrectly paired? ()<br/>A. A: cell: glucagon <br/> B: cell: insulin <br/> C: cell: somatostatin <br/> D: cell: gastrin <br/> E: cell: secretin
- 构成胃黏膜上皮的细胞是<br/>() A: chief<br/>cell(zymogenic cell) B: parietal cell(oxyntic cell) C: mucous<br/>neck cell D: surface<br/>mucous cell E: Paneth<br/>cell