• 2022-06-06
    There are good chances of ____________ in this firm.
    A: move
    B: motive
    C: motion
    D: promotion
  • D


    • 0

      Praise, rather than criticism, can ___________ children to do well. A: motion B: motive C: motivate D: move

    • 1

      Snow_____isabigprobleminsomeareasafterthesnowstormwhichlastsseveraldays. A: mobilization B: promotion C: motive D: removal

    • 2

      The police could not find a __________ for the murder. A: motion B: motive C: motor D: motivate

    • 3

      His motive for working hard is that he needs money. A: motivation B: active C: motion D: nature

    • 4

      Promotion can be used to increase the value and market share of a firm.