• 2022-06-06
    I’d like _________ a cup of coffee.
    A: to eat
    B: to dirnk
    C: eat
    D: drink
  • B


    • 0

      ______________ a coffee? —No, thanks. I don’t drink coffee.

    • 1

      I’d like a cold drink ___ coffee. A: no B: not like C: rather than

    • 2

      A: ____________ you like something to drink?B: A cup of coffee, please. A: Would B: Do C: Are D: Is

    • 3

      “我吃的很少”的英文正确表述是( ). A: I eat like a bird. B: I have a small stomach. C: I eat less. D: I eat like a fly.

    • 4

      I would like ____Chinese food. A: eat B: to eat C: ate D: eating