• 2022-06-06
    Miss Green comes here for _____.
    A: business
    B: pleasure
    C: a family gathering
    D: an interview
  • A


    • 0

      When you are travelling ______, you often need to stay in a hotel. A: if on business or for pleasure B: whether on business or for pleasure C: whether business or pleasure D: on business or pleasure

    • 1

      I__________with whom we are familiar. A: Here the actor comes B: Here comes the actor C: The actor comes here D: Comes here the actor

    • 2

      Be quick ! ______. A: Here comes the bus B: The bus here comes C: The bus come here D: Here the bus comes

    • 3

      Hello, Mr. David Green!Here is my business card.句中business card的意思是? A: 卡片 B: 名片 C: 名牌

    • 4

      Interview Two What does he miss most about Northern Ireland() A: The social life. B: His family and friends. C: The sport.