• 2022-06-06
    The campaign has certainly succeeded________ raising public awareness of the issue.
    A: in
    B: at
    C: on
    D: as
  • A


    • 0

      The govemment has a policy of ________the public awareness of the dangers in smoking. A: discovering B: hindering C: fostering D: finding

    • 1

      The energy issue is mainly an economic issue instead of a political issue.

    • 2

      Medical care reform has become the most important public ________ in this country. A: question B: stuff C: issue D: matter

    • 3

      Medical care reform in this country has become this country’s most important public health____. A: question B: matter C: stuff D: issue

    • 4

      Since the safety issue for school children has become more concerned by the public, in certain countries the law ________ parents to send their children to school.