• 2022-06-06
    The Watergate incident is mentioned to show ______.
    A: journalism has a tangible effect on politics
    B: the Watergate incident is an abuse of the political power
    C: journalism subverts legitimate political power
    D: the victory of American freedom of speech
  • A


    • 0

      Which type of power is not channel power? A: Coercive power B: Referent power C: Legitimate power D: Negotiating power

    • 1

      The author regards the Watergate Affair as_________. A: uncommon in politics and government B: part of politics and government C: justified dishonesty in government D: a lie with noble reason

    • 2

      11. Einstein left Germany for _____ reasons.A. politics B. political C. politician D. polite A: politics B: political C: politician D: polite

    • 3

      It has been ________ that some government leaders abuse their power to get illegal profits for themselves.

    • 4

      Which of the following is not mentioned in the movie? A: The Adidas brand B: Ping-pong Diplomacy C: The Watergate Affair D: Vietnam War