Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Change the form where necessary. (注意采用正确的形式) [br][/br] explode dip mold beverage ally broker [br][/br] Shewillregretlosingaclosepolitical ___________. He __________ hispenintheinkandthenstartedtowrite. Whentheboiler ____________,manypeoplewerehurtbythesteam. Areal-estate ______________ Iknowkeepsherselfamusedonthejobbymentally redecoratingthehousessheshowstoclients. Foreignsalesaccountedfor65percentofCoke's ___________ business. Justlikethetypeofbooks,dramaserials,moviesandotherresourcesyoudigest ___________ yourperception.
- Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Change the form where necessary. (注意采用正确的形式) [br][/br] conflict concept junk rare temporary alert 1.Forthousandsofyears,peoplehaveknownthatthebestwaytounderstanda(n) istoexplainittosomeoneelse. 2.Helearnedhowtoservicetheenginesandqualifiedfora(n) workpermit. 3.Apologiesminimize leadtoforgiveness,andservetorestorerelationshipcloseness. 4.Youshouldn'teattoomuch food. 5.Theguardssuddenlybecame asthedogsbarked. 6.Beyondmycareer,myfacilitywithlanguageshasgivenmeafew opportunities.
- Complete the sentences with the given words, change the form if necessary. [br][/br] ____________ (fortunate) , he's out on business today.
- Complete the summary below the passage with words from the passage, changing the form where necessary, with only one word for each blank. _________________[br][/br] _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
- Translation<br/>(Use the words given in the brackets to complete the following<br/>sentence by translating the Chinese parts into English. Change the<br/>form if necessary.) --- It may ______ ______ (Use the words given in the brackets to complete the following<br/>sentence by translating the Chinese parts into English. Change the<br/>form if necessary.) --- It may ______ ______ <br/>of the product if you price a product too high. (for, disaster,<br/>spell, the sales)
- Complete each of the following sentences with the structure “The more …, the more …” and the word(s) in brackets. Make changes or additions where necessary. [br][/br] 1 The more you give, __________________________. (receive)