cardiac arrest
- The drugs using in cardiac arrest are ( ) A: noradrenalin B: adrenaline C: dopamine D: isoprenaline E: atropine
- The<br/>best indicator for early diagnosis of cardiac arrest is ( ) A: pale complexion B: heart<br/>sound and pulse disappeared C: loss<br/>of consciousness, loss of carotid pulse D: respiratory<br/>arrest
- The reliable evidence for early detection of cardiac arrest is A: Undetectable blood pressure B: Cannot respond to commands C: Cannot feel the pulse of carotid and femoral arteries D: Respiratory arrest E: No chest expansion
- Treatment of hyperkalemia caused by cardiac arrest() A: atropine B: adrenaline C: bromobenzylamine D: calcium<br/>chloride E: potassium chloride
- Which is the most common cause to induce cardiac arrest in infants? A: Respiratory B: Cardiovascular C: Central nervous system D: Traumatic injury