When they are young, people have little interest in exploring cultural issues, because they have achieved their cultural identity.
- Cultural identity achievement stage is c...s cultural identity.
- Cultural identity achievement stage is characterized by a clear, confident acceptance of oneself and an internalization of one's cultural identity.
- Which of the following is true of the relationship between language and culture? A: Cultural identity can NOT be destroyed by suppressing(压制) a language. B: Cultural identity can be destroyed by suppressing(压制) a language. C: Cultural identity can not be created by promoting(提倡) a language. D: There is no relationship between language and cultural identity. E: There is no relationship between language and culture.
- Cultural identities often develop through a process involving three stages: ___________ cultural identity, cultural identity ________, and cultural identity _________.
- When considering cultural issues, it is best for a company to:
- 0
Why do some people want to save the first McDonald's?Because it's a cultural ________and they have good ________of that old McDonald's.
- 1
Cultural identity is formed in a process which starts from unexamined cultural identity to cultural identity search and finished by cultural identity achievement. A: 正确 B: 错误
- 2
You have to be aware of cultural differences when doing business in a market.
- 3
You have to respect the cultural differences when meeting a business partner.
- 4
“My culture is important and I am proud of what I am. Japanese people have so much to offer.” This thought is a typical example of the unexamined cultural identity stage.