• 2021-04-14
    中国大学MOOC: Alice Walker is a feminist African American writer who actively participated in the civil rights movement of the 1960s.
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      African American Feminism From the antislavery and women’s rights movements of the 19th century, continuing through the black and women’s rights movements of the 1960s and 1970s, up to today’s contemporary black feminist activism, African American women have sought to have a voice in two centuries of 1) ________ struggles that had silenced them. Whether one chooses to use the term “African American feminism,” “black feminism,” “womanism,” or “black American feminism,” to 2)________ the complexity of African American women’s demand for social, economic and political 3) ________ , understanding is the desire for a compatible and progressive vision of social justice based on the historical and ongoing 4)________ against the race and gender oppression African American women have experienced at home, at work, in their communities and, moreover, within the 5) ________ culture as a whole. As they have become cognizant of the multiple systemic forces of oppression, they have 6) ________ collective actions for social change, transforming society and themselves through their own agency and self-determination.

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      Martin Luther King, Jr. who delivered a famous speech named I Have a Dream was the leader of ______in U.S.A. A: [A] Bus Boycott B: [B] the Progressive Movement C: [C] Civil Rights Movement D: [D] the Westward Movement

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      Which topic would be too broad for a four‐page paper assigned in an American history class A: the civil rights movement in America B: the life of John Quincy Adams C: Both a and

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      Which topic would be too broad for a four‐page paper assigned in an American history class? A: the civil rights movement in America B: the life of John Quincy Adams C: Both a and b

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      This following poster first appeared in _________.[img=500x500]17de90a8e8036ee.jpg[/img] A: first-wave feminist movement B: second-wave feminist movement C: third-wave feminist movement D: me-too movement