Songs which are indigenous to a specific people group or region are _____________.
- Songs which are indigenous to a specific people group or region are _____________. A: .Traditional folk music B: .Country music C: .Blues music D: .Negro Spirituals
- 中国大学MOOC: Which group of indigenous (土著) people consider big earlobes as beautiful?
- 中国大学MOOC: Which group of indigenous (土著) people consider plate on the lower lip as beautiful?
- Taboos often are rooted in the beliefs of the people of a specific region or culture and are passed down froom generation to generation.
- Which group of indigenous (土著) people consider "big earlobes" as beautiful? A: Maori people(毛利人) in New Zealand(新西兰) B: Kayan(克耶人) people in Thailand(泰国) C: Masai people(马赛人) in Kenya (肯尼亚) D: Mursi people(穆尔西人) in Ethiopia (埃塞俄比亚)