• 2022-06-04
    When the fuel oil is burning in the combustion chamber, it _____.
  • gives off large amount of heat


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      combustion chamber

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      Dirt in the fuel oil system of a diesel engine can cause (). A: clogged filters B: poor combustion C: overloading of the diesel D: shock of fuel line

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      The fuel oil pressure and forced draught pressure should be matched to ensure good combustion with a full steady flameIn the sentence the word “match” means ()

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      One of function of diesel engine lubricating oil is to () A: induce carbon formation on cylinder walls B: improve fuel penetration in the combustion space C: form a friction reducing film between mating surfaces D: lubricate the fuel injectio

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      A diesel engine with a combustion chamber located between the crowns of two pistons is known as a/an ().