• 2022-06-04
    In the fuel supply system of marine diesel engine, the displacement of the supply pump should be _____ the fuel consumption of the main engine to ensure that the main engine can get enough fuel supply.
    A: more than
    B: equal to
    C: less than
    D: AorBorC
  • A


    • 0

      Dirt in the fuel oil system of a diesel engine can cause ().

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      What’s the main purpose of the servo fuel heater on CFM56-3 engine? ( ) A: To decrease the supply oil temperature B: To increase the servo fuel temperature C: To decrease the scavenge oil temperature D: To increase the combustion fuel temperature

    • 2

      Dirt in the fuel oil system of a diesel engine can cause (). A: clogged filters B: poor combustion C: overloading of the diesel D: shock of fuel line

    • 3

      The high pressure in fuel injection system of the diesel engine is produced by the ().

    • 4

      The most common diesel engine fuel system problems are caused by (). A: incorrect adjustments B: dirty fuel C: broken fuel lines D: excessive vibratio