• 2021-04-14
    For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago.
  • order or direct


    • 0

      The first Olympic Games took place ________. A: in the seventh century B: certainly before 700 BC C: over three thousand years ago D: a thousand years ago

    • 1

       I cleaned my classroom ___________. A: with three hours B:  three hours ago C: in three hours D: three hours before

    • 2

      A.three quarters of the surfaceB.areC.thereD.if Nearly (three quarters of the surface) of the earth (are) covered with water, and (there) would be even less land (if) the polar icecaps were melt.

    • 3

      Do you think you could glance over the minutes(会议记录) that I __________of our last meeting before I have them typed out?

    • 4

      'I told Dom to email you three days ago.' → She said that she had told Dom to email me three days ___, but it's been a week now and I still haven't heard. A: then B: ago C: efore