• 2022-06-04
    Which one does not belong to the causes of hypovolemic shock
    A: Blood loss
    B: Burn
    C: Infection
    D: Crush trauma
    E: Dehydration
  • C


    • 0

      Which one below does not belong to the Halloween decorations?

    • 1

      Which one of the following dysfunction can’t be caused by DIC?<br/>() A: Acute renal failure B: Acute respiratory failure C: Brain dysfunction D: Hypovolemic shock E: Aplastic anemia

    • 2

      What is the current diagnosis() A: Hypovolemic Shock B: Cardiogenic Shock C: Neurogenic Shock D: Vasogenic Shock E: Septic shock

    • 3

      Which one of the following paintings does NOT belong to Rococo style?

    • 4

      The cause of vasogenic shock is A: allergy B: postpartum blood loss C: burns D: severe vomiting or diarrhea E: sweat