Do you often chat with your friends online?翻译为“你经常跟朋友去上网上聊天吗?”是对还是错?
- " Do you often chat with your friends online? ."翻译为 A: 你经常跟朋友在网上聊天吗? B: 你有时跟朋友在网上聊天吗? C: 你经常跟朋友在家里聊天吗? D: 你喜欢和你朋友在网上聊天吗?
- 你是不是经常上网? A: Youreallygoonlinealot,don'tyou? B: You are not are often go online? C: Are you not are often go online?
- Do you have a membership card? 翻译为“你有信用卡吗?”是对还是错?
- Don’t you think chatting on the line is a waste of time ______ A: 你不认为聊天浪费时间吗 B: 你不觉得上网聊天很浪费时间吗 C: 你认为上网聊天不浪费时间,对吗 D: 你不觉得上网聊天是在浪费你的时间吗
- 你常跟朋友聊天吗?(10秒)