• 2021-04-14
    信用证中关于运输:“Transshipment permitted, partial shipment allowed, but partial shipment of each item not allowed”的中文意思是( )。
  • 允许转运、允许分批,但每个品种的货物不得分批


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      From the statement “shipment during March to June in four equal monthly lots”, we can see the shipment _______. A: A. is transshipment B: B. will be delivered in March C: C. is partial shipment D: D. will arrive in June

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      We have to make shipment in whole lot because the partial shipment is _________ in the L/C.

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      中国大学MOOC: Partial shipment means ________________ in Chinese.

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      Partial shipment means shipping the commodity under one contract in more than one lot.

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      如信用证中没有规定是否可以分批装运,则信用证分析表中填写 是错的。 A: YES B: ALLOWED C: NOT ALLOWED D: PERMITTED