• 2022-06-04
    The shirt is on sale中on sale的意思是 ?
    A: 打折
    B: 销售
    C: 在线
  • A


    • 0

      汽车销售顾问SC给客户提供顾问式的专业汽车消费咨询,并引导客户进入汽车销售流程,且能全程提供专业服务的汽车销售服务人员。其中SC是指?( ) A: sale control B: sale consult C: sale condition D: sale converter

    • 1

      36. The bread ________ is hard and green, though the same price as a week ago. A: in sale B: off sale C: upon sale D: on sale

    • 2

      用文字说明表示商品质量的方法称为“凭说明买卖”。下列方法中属于文字说明范围的是:() A: Sale by specifications B: Sale by grade C: Sale by standard D: Sale by sample

    • 3

      In the following choices, which one is not correct to describe the quality of commodity? A: Sale by quality B: Sale by sample C: Sale by grade D: Sale by name

    • 4

      A yard sale, a garage sale and a moving sale are hold for different purpose.