• 2022-06-06
    ( ) is an important means of strengthening metal materials.
    A: elastic deformation
    B: plastic deformation
    C: stretching
    D: fibrous structure
  • B


    • 0

      Which of the following states should be checked as the normal service limit state. ( ) A: The structure is out of balance as a rigid body B: Partial damage that affects the durability C: Not suitable to continue to bear the load any more due to excessive plastic deformation D: The component loses stability

    • 1

      在陈述某研究的价值时,哪种说法较为恰当? A: The research will help to understand deformation processes. B: The research can help to understand deformation processes. C: The research may help to understand deformation processes. D: The research should help to understand deformation processes.

    • 2

      For plane bending the characteristics of deformation are ( ). A: The cross section remains plane when bent; B: The axis after deformation is a plane curve; C: All external loads act on the same plane; D: The axis after deformation is in the same plane with the loading plane.

    • 3

      What generalizations can be made about the recrystallization temperature with respect to(a)the degree of deformation,(b)the temperature,(c)the time of heating at temperature,(d)the final grain size,and(e)the purity of the metal?

    • 4

      The<br/>safety coefficient of the capacity of composite materials is usually<br/>____ times of metal materials. A: 0.8-0.9 B: 1.0-1.25 C: 1.15-1.2 D: 1.5-2.0