• 2022-06-06
    5.Who grew up in Tianjin and considered Tianjin his second hometown?
    A: Rabbi Levi
    B: Leo Gershevitch
    C: Jacob Rosenfeld
    D: Israel Epstein
  • D


    • 0

      Whom is Peter going to Tianjin with A: His friends. B: His parents. C: His grandparents.

    • 1

      I don’t know ____ . A: what the population of Tianjin is B: what is the population of Tianjin C: how much the population in Tianjin is D: how much is the population in Tianjin

    • 2

      A boy who traveled from Tianjin to Beijing was an domestic tourist.

    • 3

      中国大学MOOC: Who was the initiator of Tianjin Clay Figurine Zhang?

    • 4

      The committee ____ to have its second meeting in Tianjin next month. A: are going B: is going C: goes to D: go to