• 2022-06-06
    She has __ egg and some milk every morning.
    A: a
    B: an
    C: the
  • B


    • 0

      8.Miss Li wants to lose weight. She just has ___ cup of milk for ___ breakfast every day. A: a, the B: a, / C: the, a D: the , /

    • 1

      " What did you eat this morning?"" I ______ an egg, milk and bread." A: ate B: have eaten C: eat

    • 2

      We start our morning exercise on the _____ of seven every morning.

    • 3

      以下代码的输出结果是【】。food_counter = 0def addone(food):if food in food_counter:food_counter[food] += 1else:food_counter[food] = 1addone('egg')addone('milk')addone('egg')print(food_counter) A: {'egg':1, 'milk':1, 'egg':1} B: {'egg':1, 'milk':1} C: {'egg':2, 'milk':1} D: {'egg':2, 'milk':1, 'egg':1}

    • 4

      There is a possibility that he has arrived this morning. => There is a possibility ____ this morning